Simple code

07 Oct, 2022
929 words | 5 min to read | 2 hr, 47 min to write

This article is a part of the programming concepts series. First, is not entirely accurate to put it inside the series, as it’s not a programming concept per-se. But it’s definitelly a part of conceptual thinking when writing code, so I decided it still belong inside the series. Secondly, it’s not entirely accurate to call it an article, it’s more of a small essay. Enjoy ;)

I’m a smartass!

Yeah! That’s what a rookie developer feel when they pull off a very smart piece of code. Perhaps, a one-liner that uses functional programming techniques, lambda-functions, and some language-specific features. I’m speaking from the experience of course. Impostor syndrome will come later… maybe :)

Unfortunatelly I haven’t been writing smart code since circa 2012. It was back then when I realised “smart code” is not worth writing. So, I don’t have an exmplate at hand, so I will improvise and come up with something… Hmmm… how about this:

$sqlInsertData = [
['name' => "John Doe", 'dob' => DateTime::createFromFormat('Y/m/d', '2001/01/01'), 'balance' => 1000],
['name' => "Jane Doe", 'dob' => DateTime::createFromFormat('Y/m/d', '2004/05/07'), 'balance' => 550.5],
['name' => "Chris O'Donnel", 'dob' => DateTime::createFromFormat('Y/m/d', '2004/05/07'), 'balance' => -200],
$inserts = implode(", ", array_map(
function ($record) {
return '(' . implode(', ', $record) . ')';
function ($record) use ($db) {
$quote = function ($s) use ($db) {
return sprintf(
is_int($s) ? '' : '"',
is_int($s) ? (int)$s : $db->escape($s),
is_int($s) ? '' : '"',
return array_map($quote, $record);
array_map(function ($entry) {
return [explode(' ', $entry['name'])[0], explode(' ', $entry['name'])[1], $entry['dob']->format('Y-m-d'), $entry['balance'] * 100];
}, $sqlInsertData)
$sql = sprintf(
"INSERT INTO people (first_name, last_name, dob, balance_cents) VALUES %s",

What the highlighted code does is it takes data as an array and converts it to a list of SQL insert statements parts. It takes care of several things such as:

  • adding quotes,
  • converting dates,
  • splitting up full name into first name last name,
  • converting dollars to cents so that we are storing balance in an integer field,
  • escaping string values in the final sql,
  • adding parentheses and commas
echo $sql;
> INSERT INTO people (first_name, last_name, dob, balance_cents) VALUES
> ("John", "Doe", "2001-01-01", 100000),
> ("Jane", "Doe", "2004-05-07", "55050"),
> ("Chris", "O\'Donnel", "2004-05-07", -20000)

But even though this code is pretty well formatted, it’s dead hard to read! And yes - this IS a variable assignment that spans over a dozen of lines of code. Quite ridiculous.

How being a smartass and writing smart code is detrimental?

Let me remind you a simple fact.

Code is read more often than it is written

You see, if you write smart code that may be (oddly, I must say) satisfying, poor that person who’s going to read it. Or worse - those people. Or even you in the future. Did you ever stumble upon your own code you wrote a while back and thought “what the heck, who writes code like that?” followed by the cold shower of git blame?

Yeah! The simpler the better. 20 lines of well-formatted, readable, semantically correct code over a really smart one-liner? I’ll take the first any day.

Let’s fix it

In our example we need to turn this

$sqlInsertData = [
['name' => "John Doe", 'dob' => DateTime::createFromFormat('Y/m/d', '2001/01/01'), 'balance' => 1000],
['name' => "Jane Doe", 'dob' => DateTime::createFromFormat('Y/m/d', '2004/05/07'), 'balance' => 550.5],
['name' => "Chris O'Donnel", 'dob' => DateTime::createFromFormat('Y/m/d', '2004/05/07'), 'balance' => -200],

into this:

> INSERT INTO people (first_name, last_name, dob, balance_cents) VALUES
> ("John", "Doe", "2001-01-01", 100000),
> ("Jane", "Doe", "2004-05-07", "55050"),
> ("Chris", "O\'Donnel", "2004-05-07", -20000) 

And we already know what it takes:

  • adding quotes,
  • converting dates,
  • splitting up full name into first name last name,
  • converting dollars to cents so that we are storing balance in an integer field,
  • escaping string values in the final sql,
  • adding parentheses and commas

Isn’t this list a perfect list of methods?

Adding quotes

function addQuotes(string $str, $quotes = '"'): string
return sprintf('%%%', $quotes, $str, $quotes);

Converting dates

function dateTimeToSqlDate(DateTime $dateTime): string
return $dateTime->format('Y-m-d');

Splitting up full name into first and last name

function fullNameToFirstAndLastName(string $fullName): array
// Yes! It's super-dull. But this is not the point of the article.
return explode(' ', $fullName);

Converting dollars to cents so that we are storing balance in an integer field

function dollarsToCents(float $dollars): int
return (int)($dollars * 100);

Gluing it all up together

function recordToSqlValuesList(array $record): string
[$firstName, $lastName] = fullNameToFirstAndLastName($record['name']);
$dob = dateTimeToSqlDate($record['dob']);
$balanceInCents = dollarsToCents($record['balance']);
return sprintf(
"(%s, %s, %s, %d)",
function insertDataToSqlValues($sqlInsertData, db $db): string
$sqlValues = array_map('recordToSqlValuesList', $sqlInsertData);
return sprintf(
"INSERT INTO people (first_name, last_name, dob, balance_cents) VALUES %s",
implode(', ', $sqlValues)

So we did split up massive variable assignment in a bunch of functions. Not only the readability drastically improved, we also made reusable codepoints in convenient methods such as addQuotes, dollarsInCents, and dateTimeToSqlDate.

Readability improved by:

  • slitting up the code in digestable pieces
  • removing nesting (array_map inside array_map inside array_map, etc.)
  • giving methods proper names
  • using type hints for both arguments and returns


Write simple code even if you see how can you write the same code “smart”. You will enjoy your “smart” code for a day or two. Who else will?

This article is part of the Programming concepts series:
  1. Generators
  2. Simple code