24 Sep, 2024
Pimp your terminal like I do. Replace your boring cat with vibrating bat, RIP grep, and change directoris with zoxide, a cd on steroids! - 23 Feb, 2023
Barbara Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP): How you are getting it wrong and how to get it right
Get the Liskov Substitution Principle right. This article explains what, when, and how. I go through most common misonceptions about the LSP and explain what it truly means. Read this article to understand practical importance of one of the most (if not THE MOST) important principles of SOLID. - 11 Oct, 2022
Draft posts in GatsbyJs
Make posts you are working on visible in local env and hidden on prod - 06 Oct, 2022
- 22 Sep, 2022
Rendering code blocks with gatsby, mdx, and prismjs
Gatsby, mdx, prism - 25 Aug, 2022
My working setup
Not exactly mouse-less, but a mouse-minimal working setup mainly relying on vim, tmux and a bunch of CLI scripts - 20 Aug, 2022
How to manage dotfiles with git bare repo
The best way of managing dotfiles I know so far - 19 Aug, 2022
How to manage secrets with vim and dropbox
Securely store your passwords using vim and dropbox - 19 Aug, 2022
Secret questions
Don't be fooled! If you are answering truth to the "secret questions", read this article! - 04 Aug, 2022
Why I use vim
My story of falling in love with the best (totally obective, haha) code editor - 25 Jul, 2022
How and why did I switch from zsh to fish
Switching to a different shell may be daunting. But fish was totally worth it